Some background on “Enter the Deer” which kicks off the album “Cheer for the Deer”.
This song was an afterthought for me, it was the last song I put together for the album. I wanted a way to introduce everything, and was thinking of a beginning somewhat like “Faith” from George Michael, except with narration. And ultimately I wanted it to morph into some kind of Synth symphony with a heartbeat. As you’ll see the heartbeat is also used on the title track.
Narration wise, I could only picture one voice, and that was my pal Paul Pasanen (Drummer from Vicky von Vicky) to do this.
I basically gave him the lyrics and said just recite it like a poem, I didn’t let him hear the music, I didn’t want him to be influenced by it. He sent me 3 or 4 takes, I think i took the first two! And then I put it all together, I think it works perfectly for what I intended. So it’s not really a song per-se, but more like a musical introduction. This album is not like anything i’ve released before.
BTW – you can hear more from Paul tomorrow when he takes on lead vocalist role for the newest Vicky von Vicky song “The Cuba Libre Song” out tomorrow, April 22nd.
Stream the album here:
Thanks for listening!
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